29 September 2009
something everybody knows, but still...
This isn't news, really, but I thought I'd put it out there for people who may not know.
Scribd is a great place for finding various occult texts and manuals; lots of good stuff on there covering pretty much any topic. A huge Chaos Magic library, Golden Dawn texts, Goetia, all kinds of stuff. Just fyi.
19 September 2009
Musicka Mystica Maxima Festival
I think I found my dream gig- the Musicka Mystica Maxima Festival.
It's being put on under the auspices of the OTO, and features people like John Zorn, Genesis P-Orridge (I still have my slowly decomposing Throbbing Gristle T-shirt, I won't lie), Nautical Almanac (!!!), a few others...
I can't imagine a better crowd for hypersigilistic music, and a festival with rituals?! Please. Burning Man's got 'em, sure, but, to be honest, my peacock feather cape's at the cleaner's and my crotchless leather kilt's too small.
Wish I woulda found out about it earlier, I would've loved to be there. Gotta keep my eyes peeled in case there's another.
08 September 2009
Bandoneon Blues...es...
Why the fuck is a bandoneon so hard to find for purchase? and how the hell can a concertina-like instrument with paper bellows cost more than a full-size, black-laquer-&-pearl sitar with a resonator? Just sayin'.
28 August 2009
Proof of UK anti-Roma sentiment, both cultural and institutional
These are links to various pages on the interwebz for people who live in the UK and don't, for some reason, think Travellers and Roma are being institutionally abused:
*the above also notable for user comments which bolster the premise of the story, oddly.
And here are a couple that are notable mostly for the comments:
Hope that clears a few things up for people.
27 August 2009
Make your own ghost
This is kind of a fascinating article, even if it is on about.com (link through title). This seems very similar to invoking a god-form, and is pretty similar to techniques I employ in magickal workings- I don't believe in a literal, sentient deity, but I do believe that the mind is a very powerful tool that can change its environment with the right mindset and with properly focused intent. Thus, I believe that anything can be invoked, essentially; a god-form is an archetypical template (hence the reason for the mixing of pantheons employed in working- each pantheon is a mixture of archetypes that correspond cross-culturally), and can be anything. While I tend to invoke more traditional god-forms (on the occasions I invoke anything, which can be described as, "occasionally, but not all that often"), it makes sense that one could conjure Daffy Duck or Superman, if one so chose. The possibilities, as with anything, are limitless. I recommend "Pop Magic!" by Grant Morrison as a good starting point- it might have a lot of hype surrounding it and I don't endorse everything in it, but there are some good ideas and information contained in it.
It's important to remember, however, that reading books is no substitute for actually practicing magick. Learn what you can, and take necessary precautions, but dig in and do it- book knowledge is no substitute for experience and practice.
24 August 2009
***LATEST TRACKS, 082409***
There will be a real-live, non-link-based post soon; however, my primary computer has suffered some difficulties, so I'm using a shitty Compaq from nineteen-diggity-six that hates it when I try to do complex things. Also, my time is heavily-invested in negotiating my recording contract at the moment, so why don't we do that when we're not being hustled by Brits, yeah?
computer meltdown,
need another cigarette
23 August 2009
18 August 2009
13 August 2009
Lady Gaga: Spokesperson for mind-control programs and the Illuminati, apparently; plus, Beyonce's\Sasha's hypersigil

evil corporation,
world government
05 August 2009
Simple Tarot Matrix
There are loads of places online, and lots of rather overpriced books, that will go inordinately deep into the meanings of the Major Arcana, and maybe the suits' meanings, but little seems to get said about the individual meanings of the Minor Arcana. Here's a very simple matrix; adapt it as it suits you.
Meanings by suit:
- Swords: Communication (Air element)
- Pentacles/Stars: Materiality* (Earth element)
- Wands: Action, Deed (Fire element)
- Cups/Bowls: Emotions (Water element)
- A- beginning\power
- 2- partnership\duality
- 3- synthesis\joy
- 4- stabilize\construct
- 5- chaos\versatility
- 6- decision\challenge
- 7- wisdom\mystery
- 8- judgment\versatility
- 9- attainment
- 10- perfection\wholeness
- Page: child
- Knave: adolescent
- King: man\outer competence
- Queen: woman\inner competence
- PC: (child) emotional response of a child
- KnC: (adolescent) emotional response of a teen
- KC: (male, outward competence): emotional response of a man
- QC: (female, inward competence): emotional response of a female
- Swords: how do the people communicate?
- Wands: how do they act?
- Pentacles\Stars: how do they handle practical or sensual matters?
- Cups: how do they feel?
23 July 2009
what to expect
To preface, you should know that, unless you're a music producer, a Chaote, music- or trivia-obsessed, open-minded, anti-authoritarian, or have no real political agenda, this blog's gonna be a waste of time to you. If you value absolute tact at the expense of straightforwardness, wish to bash religion (unless it's Scientology... don't get me started, seriously), have deepseated racial hatred, are either a rightwing neo-fascist or a foaming-at-the-mouth leftwing type (I hate both with equal vigor), or in general are looking for an overarching theme or purpose to this blog, you're SOL.
This will primarily be a blog about music, the creative process, chaos magick, odd things that pop into my head, ranting about things I loathe, and so on. In short, it will have a million different subjects, none of which are likely to be "important", and will waste your time somewhat.
That being said, I'd like to think it'll be at least semi-humorous, will link to my music, won't contain bitchy little rants about people you don't know and the minutia they've done to me to make me feel especially pissy, or proselytization, whether religious, political, or philosophical (those last subjects may get laid out at one time or another, but you don't have to like them or even agree- it's *my* blog, dammit).
This blog's unlikely to get updated more than a couple times a week- I've got a real life in the real world and occasionally have better things to do- and probably won't show you the way to personal happiness, improved relationships, means of influencing people, or cheats for idiotic videogames, because none of that's my job and I don't give a crap about videogames.
If you like the blog, check back and tell others. If you don't, don't waste your time and mine by sending comments I won't approve that do nothing other than prove beyond a shadow of a doubt that you don't have a life. I don't go outta my way to piss people off, but, hey, it happens; don't take it personally if I walk all over your personal path to enlightenment by accident. I assure you, nothing I say here is directed at you alone.
This blog, first and foremost, is about my music; as such, it links (via the title) to my artist page on soundcloud.com and gives you an opportunity to know what I do for fun. I don't do this for money (well, not exclusively, at any rate), I do it because I enjoy it, and hope you will too.
Anyway, more to come soon...
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